Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2008

Business model for beleagered auto makers

The age of roaring mufflers is definitely over. The hype about battery electric vehicles for every one too. So we will see more vehicles like the Chevy Volt - well may be not the best example for a energy efficient vehicle. This vehicles will have an power generator on board or detachable. Range extenders are a product like a pluggable mp3 player in the car. You may buy it on the market if the size and voltage fits like an APU. Automotive industry may work like other industry reducing the depth of the manufacturing process. Most components will be tier 1 like:
- wheel including electric drive from Michelin, Continental or others
- cabin based on a couple of models from independent stamping experts like Magna
- chassis based on a couple of models from independent underbody & suspension experts like Magna Steyr
- range extender from Lombardini, OEMtek, Valeo, TM4 or others (Fiat is now developing a two cylinder watch out for that development-may be massive downsizing will take place and also fuel cells will play a role here in the long range, Delphi has been active here)
- you may do the tapestry work so it fits the seats you are also buying
- and yes you will assemble the whole thing and merchandise it via multi brand resellers

That's the affordable future if you want to avoid a monopolistic situation where the biggest - may be Toyota - incorporates a lot of other auto makers. Lacking competition will then increase profits to allow a comfortable life again for the automotive industry.

Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2008

Who profits from the crisis?

1. preachers of irrationality?
2. parsimony?
3. drug dealers- which may be also 1. if you count religion as opium

Let me explain ;-)

ad 1.
We see an exchange of one irrationality by another. While self claiming financial experts were selling us financial products with high risk and we were accepting that pushing away the risk- we now have a full return of another irrationality - namely religion. Seems that enlightenment was not sufficient mastering the crisis. No the brancuopcy was not the revenge of god because we were wasting resources, it was pure stupidity and the will to push aside the fact that wealth is limited if you concede all a certain share. So there is hope that we will be proud of our newly acquired knowledge about the economy and not deliver ourselves to preachers or irrationality.

ad 2.
People might be heading for more savings donating less. On the other head the lesson learned is also that teaming reduces the risk. This is not restrained to family but includes job and friends.

ad 3.
In the first run the huge amount of money lost might lead to the assumption that a lot of people now wants to forget what happened. On the second glance we see that they will fight against the swindlers having sold the junk bonds. So again there is hope that well considered behavior is on the agenda.

Summarizing- while there might be the risk that the devilish temptation - even if it is looking cherubic - will have its chance - people will allow a second rational argument and not trap into one of the mentioned pitfalls.

Montag, 9. Juni 2008

real motivation for (male) cyclists

Coming home from a cosy evening ride, some thoughts about the cyclists motivation.
Some say its cheaper, some say it makes fun but I think there are other arguments.
Its damned fast and anarchic - look at alleycat racing videos - try that with a numberplate in the city.
Its very sexy - a lot of flirting with ladies near you - much nearer than with cars.
Have a nice ride and keep easy going - it's only the freedom doing so - it's not a must.