Montag, 13. April 2009

Speculating/investing in the crisis

The main hypothesis of the following statement is that consumers will spend 1/3 less due to the crisis. The next question is then where will they try to save money and what requirements will be dismissed?
One of the winners may be added value - investment in nutrition or mobility should offer added value. Since information of customers is becoming more perfect only serious offers will persist. But now back to the main spendings:
  • nutrition
  • energy
  • telecommunication
  • mobility
With nutrition global economy has lead to a affordable and good offer- but some goods like cheese and vegetables are overpriced. It may be profitable to invest in small producers in domestic markets with low wages. Transport cost will come down but apart from the oil prices lacking options to bundle goods are appear ant with decreasing good streams. So the tip is - go local but not for luxury goods. Big brand will loose their dominating power against low cost grocery chains with their own brands. Investments in general should be made into downsizing the business and reducing transaction losses (handling, storing...). Reuse of goods will also be on the agenda.
The energy business sees less market attributes compared to nutrition. There is a lot of public funding and investment in energy saving now which keep alive craft, trade and production for some time. The risk is that the pay back is not guaranteed with this free spending attitude. There is the same risk as with scrapping incentives. The long term benefit is not clear. Low cost energy saving products however may be on the rise. There is now aggressive campaigning against energy saving light bulbs, but since candles are not an attractive alternative energy saving is an issue for poor. It is true that light is not the main expense but small scale changes are to invent with heating demand and also domestic hot water. Small solar stations and intelligent usage is on the rise. Adminsitration should put more focus on requiring unbiased information about the benefit of the gadgets (assessment facilities might profit then).
With utilities investment in intelligent metering will reduce the problems raised by lacking customer ability to pay the bills.Transport of energy resources which may not be used at the production site will become more important. The will to risk more with regards to nuclear energy and allow open coal pits is visible but may not be accepted because of the long term costs.
Telecommunication has been a very irrational field with decreasing prices and dubious services. Investing in prepaid services and least cost solutions will pay off in future. The bankrupt handset repair services may regain attractiveness unless the handsets will become very cheap. In general the added value is only building networks offering mutual help, may be something like citizens band (2 way radio).
With mobility we see most of the problems now seeing automakers in a big crisis. The first producer offering fit for us vehices at a convincing overall cost balance will prevail. This is not only true for battery electric vehicles but may lead to new simple engines with internal combustion- also capable of using alternative fuels. Those engines may also for the backbone of a new powertrain concept. The tip is here to head for serial electric vehicles with a minimum of battery so far until they will be affordable.

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